неділя, 31 січня 2016 р.

Cradle Update With Spanish Localization Released

Hi everybody!

We have released a new Cradle update introducing the changes as follows:

  • Bug causing performance drops when gamepad disconnected has been fixed. Thanks the colleagues from Unigine for that!
  • Spanish localization has been added. Thanks Vanesa Gómez Paniza and Agustín Zammarrelli from ZombieWolf Team for the help with translation and proofreading!

середа, 25 листопада 2015 р.

Outro Video Making Of

Here’s a few interesting facts about how we created the Cradle outro video. Attention: spoilers present!

-         The work on video was done in several stages with huge pauses in between. The Leave the Cradle lyrics was written back in 2011, the music – in 2012, the scene with futuristic Geneva was captured in 2013, people’s silhouettes – in 2015. The editing was completed the day before the game’s release.

-       The scene with the city was filmed in Kiev, in the yard of a building on Vladimirskaya street. The place was a good fit for our task: it had a background of mirrored windows, the sky which we could densely populate with skyscrapers, and not many people around. Nearby there is a restaurant where we borrowed some props (furniture, flower pots, crockery).


For the episodes  with the city views we made a big detailed artwork and then animated some of its fragments. Downloadthe artwork.

-        Mobile phone used by Mark to sms is an iPhone 4. We changed the way it looks by applying a paper frame onto its body. The design of the frame is coherent with that of the tablet on Enebish’es bedside table.

The sms messenger displayed on the phone screen was made a separate app based on Unity engine. The program reacted to touches on drawn buttons, displayed the text typed in and pretended to be sending the sms to addressee. 

Here’s what we got as a result:    

пʼятниця, 24 липня 2015 р.

New Wallpaper To Celebrate The Release Day!

Hi everybody!

Today is a big day for Cradle - the game finally comes out on Steam!

To celebrate the occasion, we've prepared a brand-new wallpaper featuring one of the game characters - Tabaha! Enjoy!

понеділок, 20 липня 2015 р.

Cradle's Steam Store Page Now Open

Dear Friends,

Welcome Cradle's Steam store page now available! The game is in the Coming Soon status. The release will go as planned on July 24th. Standby to play soon!

Click to check out Cradle on Steam!

 Cradle's Store Page

Thirty years ago in the mid-2040s the sweeping development of neuroscience stirred up the common anticipation of victory over aging and death. In 2047 the scientists of the Neurocopying Institute in Cologne run the first experiments on transferring human consciousness onto an artificial carrier. In the course of experiments a weird previously unregistered phenomenon was discovered - the copies of neurotic system of the test subjects awoken in the computational device began to self-destroy by immersing in a state of deep irrational fear.

The discovery of the mysterious phenomenon induced a string of events to have completely changed the society. Dozens of years later the question of the ‘Panic Attack’ nature still remains open. We do not know how far the researchers’ thought has led them in search of the answer, but we believe it hardly ever visited this Mongolian steppe.

Year 2076, Mongolia. You wake up in a yurt amidst the boundless steppes. You neither remember your name, nor are aware of how long you had slept. Who are you? Who is this mechanical girl sitting on the table and what is the number she has on her chest? Nearby there towers the dome of a neglected entertainment park. How did it appear in these desert lands? What has happened here? Look around and try to sort things out. You are to begin on a peculiar and a touching story. 

Cradle Store Page

неділя, 19 липня 2015 р.

Cradle OST Sampler and First Details

Dear Friends!

We already mentioned our intention to release Cradle soundtrack as a part of Deluxe edition. Now we’d like to share some details with you. 

Total length of the soundtrack will exceed 90 minutes. Theme-wise it can be split into three albums:

Atmospheres, Stories and Pavilions. The albums are written by various authors and reflect different aspects of the game: the Atmospheres includes ambient tracks, the Stories – compositions to accompany the storyline twists of the game, the Pavillions include electronic tracks from the mini-games. We have prepared a sampler featuring bits of several compositions for you today. Enjoy!

неділя, 5 липня 2015 р.

Cradle Pre-Release Teaser and Updated Web-Site!

Big news today! We have just launched a Pre-Release Teaser of Cradle showing you glimpses of the world and story behind Cradle. Click on the image below to watch the new video. Enjoy!

Cradle Pre-Release Teaser

But that's not all. We invite you to check out the updated game's web-site. As before, you can find it by www.flying-cafe.com.

Cradle web-site

Check out the latest screenshots, game video and links to all the game's social media pages.

Feel free to join and spread the message about Cradle as it approaches the release day!