Press-release, Kiev, December 23, 2011.
Independent computer games development studio Flying Cafe For Semianimals announces its debut project Cradle for PC.
Cradle is a science-fiction first-person quest with freedom of movement. The story is built around the relations of the protagonist and a mechanized girl, who by enigmatic circumstances find themselves together in a yurt among the desert Mongolian hills. The player is to restore the lost functions of his companion's mechanical body parts and together reveal the mystery of the neglected entertainment park found not far from the yurt.
“Our goal is to deliver the player a specific emotional experience similar to what we may see in a night dream, where our life is completely different from the real one, with its own past and present. Cradle is a strange beautiful dream filled with anticipation of discovering a deep old mystery” - said Ilya Tolmachev, the Creative Director and Founder of Flying Cafe.
Key features of Cradle:
- First-person 3D-quest/adventure
- Freedom of movement within the game realm
- Unique game atmosphere formed by the combination of elements pertaining to various cultures and epochs
- Multi-level context of the story
- Highly-detailed graphics of the game locations
- Increased density of unique interactive objects providing extra story details
- Combination of classic quest mechanics with dynamic arcade puzzles
- Specific system of displaying character emotions
- Hidden objects offering bonuses to the player
- Alternative game ending available
- Game powered by cutting-edge Unigine technology.
The game is scheduled for release in spring 2012.
About Flying Cafe
Flying Cafe For Semianimals was founded in January 2011 by a group of professional developers united by the idea of creating games to combine non-standard gaming solutions and innovation with high quality of the production. Currently the studio works on the Cradle project.
The official studio web-site: www.flying-cafe.com
The official studio web-site: www.flying-cafe.com
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